Monday, December 22, 2008

Cookies baking

Didn't manage to write a post yesterday due to my faulty computer.

Went over to Adrian's house to bake some Christmas cookies for her. Thanks Adrian.

She on another hand might not want to see me anymore, not even as a friend. This is bad.. I seeked help from Julia, asking her to bring my cookies to Jennifer. I believe Jen will not feel good seeing me, that is why she chose to avoid me. Nevertheless, the cookies have to be delivered. It was a Christmas gift planned two weeks ago.

Jen told me, not to pin too high of a hope in anymore relationship between us. But I decide to wait. I want to give you the space you need, and also give myself the time to settle down. If we are meant to be together, waiting should be the best option for me now.

Hope you enjoyed your facial with your laopo yesterday~ You told me your activities before we separated and the Monday facial with your laopo was the last of it. Which means i would have no clue of the whatabouts of you from today onwards.

Wrote some messages in the card which is going to be delivered to you along with the cookies. Well, the message is not all true. I am not doing very good. I am still thinking about you. I had to lie to you because I want you to feel better after knowing my 'made-up' situation.

If only I had the abilities to 带你远走高飞。

Written on the 23rd December 8.00am.

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